
The First Week

We left the hotel for my West Tokyo city on Wednesday. Fortunately my supervisors are approachable, helpful and both with major sense of humours. The last few days were spent sorting our visas, banks and apartments. I bought a bicycle, a much better one compared to my last two, with a basket and kinetic lights! I'm so happy with my bike! Seeing an incorporated rear wheel lock was a bit unsettling for me, most people seem to solely rely on it as security against theft. My supervisors have suggested that I get a more sturdy lock.

My apartment by the way is small and compact with loads of storage space. I even have a microwave, tv, internet, fan, washing machine and a fridge-freezer! My city is a rural area, so the main form of tranport is by bicycle and foot.

[Matcha and Milk Ice-cream mix with Red Bean, Castela Cake, Agar and Malt Sauce]


Shabby said...

That ice-cream looks good! Are you sharing an apartment or it it just yourself?

Jing said...

It tasted yummy too ;) I'm living by myself, cool eh?!

yulin said...

looks (ice-cream) and sounds (living by yourself) cool. Any chance we could see pics of your neighbourhood and apartment?