
The Last School Day

It was the last day of term, meaning that it was also the last time I get to see my students, I said a farewell speech, received this bunch of flowers, then went around the school saying my farewells and taking photos.

There were lots of ups and downs, but overall, I had a great five years on JET. Will I miss M-City? I will miss the familiarity of the lifestyle I had here, but for sure, as the first place that I have worked and lived in in Japan, it will hold a special place in my heart. It won't be the last time I come back here though, since I've made some very precious friends here. Thanks for the ride, JET, it was a great one.

And after a pretty stressful month of job-searching and interviews, I had just had an intervew on the previous day in fact, I received a call after work today... apparently, they liked me at yesterday's interview, and to my pleasant surprise and complete relief, I had secured a job for September!

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