
Arrival Rambles

[During my last week in HK, I went hiking on the Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail 八 仙 嶺 自 然 教 育 徑 followed by Tai To Yan 大刀屻 (see pic) the next day.]

I've arrived safely back into Japan last Sunday. I was surprised that it seemed so normal... eerily normal.

There's new teachers and a couple of hundred new students, but other then that school continues as normal. I'm rubbing my hands gleefully in anticipation of the prospect of starting my own club. Except for the odd Halloween/Christmas-themed lesson, I haven't yet had the opportunity to lead activities in Junior High School... a prime example of underused skills and experience, not quite sure why they requested for an ALT with a teacher's cert in the first place. I'm going to make this club blooming marvellous!

I've given up feeling annoyed everytime a [Japanese] person says, "You're from America right?" Even after countless mentions, presentations splashed with pics, massive flags pinned up on the notice board, and an obvious difference in accents between me and their English learning CD, some students still get it wrong. They have Americans transfixed on their minds, maybe because there's an American military base near by??

Since coming back to HK, I've stopped eating kyuushoku 給食 (school dinners). I had every relative and [most] friends I met in HK saying, "Waa, you've become so fat." The portions are huge and have an average of 850 calories per meal. Pre-Japan times, I'd just have a ham and cucumber sandwich with yoghurt and a piece of fruit. It's no wonder I put on weight, too many calories and not enough physical activity from my desk loitering to burn them all. I made tomato-flavoured wraps today, so yummy, but so difficult to roll the dough into rounds!

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