
Meditation & Mountains

ひさしぶりのソロハイキングをしました! 太陽寺から雲取山に行って鴨沢までのコースです。 昨日、太陽寺に泊まって、宿坊の体験をしました。 写経したり、読経したり、座禅したり、精進料理をたべたりして、面白かったです!
It's been a heck of a while since my last solo hike, and what perfect weather I had for it for my route from Taiyouji to Kamosawa, via Kumotoriyama. I'd stayed at Taiyouji the previous night to do a temple stay experience, where I did sutra writing and chanting, zazen meditation (which all require me to sit in leg-numbing seiza), and had some seriously beyond yummy buddhist fare.

[The view, as I descend from the peak. I wanted to see how fast I was, and at the end, I was delighted to discover that I had shaved a third off map time!!]

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