

Conditions were fantastic during my two day hike to Kashimayarigatake in Nagano, a mountain located in the middle of the Ushiro-Tateyama Renpo, a mountain range that stretches over 30km from Harinokidake to Hakuba-Norikuradake. We hiked up to the summit (2889.1m) from Ogisawa (1350m), where we'd parked the car, and then through Jigatake (2669.8m). On the way to the summit, I camped out in a new tarp tent (Skyscape Trekker from Six Moon Designs) whilst my hiking companians spent the night in luxury at the Tsumetaike Hut. Coming back was the same way; and from the car park, we headed to Omachi Onsen.

First day: 
Ogisawa > 3.5h (Kashiwara-shido) > Taneike hut > 1h > Jigatake > 1.5h > Tsumetaike Hut.

Second day:
Tsumetaike hut > 2.5h > Kashimayarigatake > 1.5h > Tsumetaike hut > 1.5h > Jigatake > 3.5h > Ogisawa.

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