
Hotsprings & Scientists

The plan was to hit the onsens (hotsprings) in Kusatsu, Gunma on Saturday, camp in Hakuba, Nagano, then do some whitewater rafting on the next day. We managed the first day, but with the heavy rain that weekend, the outdoors company with whom we signed up to do it with, called us up to say that unfortunately, they'd have to cancel.

So, we just spent the weekend driving around and sitting around in water. And because we had scientists in tow, one of them just had to have pH indicator paper on hand. And for those who are interested, the onsens in Kusatsu were measured to have a pH value of about 2.

[Footbath in Kusatsu.]

[Flat udon in Kusatsu.]

[Humans on either side with Kusatsu waters in the middle.]

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